Biomimicry, Renewable Energy and Evolutionary Computation

Crowd Sourcing and Civic Hacking

Ended up grabbing dinner after TEDx and then seeing some friends in the band, Hot Dish, play at Humpys. Counting Jelly Beans on Sunday.

Thanks to everyone who came out to TEDx on Saturday. I can’t wait to see the videos of the talks.

I was one of 12 people giving a TEDx talk on Saturday, March 30th at the Library from 1pm-7pm. KSKA interviewed speakers on Hometown, Alaska at 2pm on March 20th. My talk is on Crowdsourcing and Civic Hacking. Here are some relevant links for TEDx, Crowdsourcing and Civic Hacking.

TEDx Anchorage Facebook page.

Crowdfunding Links:

PopCycle Kickstarter project (Ends at 2pm on Tuesday, April 2nd.)

FoodStart a Kickstarter for restaurants and food projects, created by Alaskans.

Learn to Code links:

Anchorage women teaching women to code.

Khan Academy learning to code.

Hackathon links:

Code for America Brigade meet up on March 26th.

Alaska Hackathon for Non-Profits. Applications from Non-Profits  and Hackathon the weekend of April 20-21.

Anchorage Adopt-a-hydrant.

Anchorage Adopt-a-hydrant Facebook page.

National event that Anchorage won: Race for Reuse winners

ADN write up about Adopt-A-Hydrant.

Bus Tracking Hackathon write up.

Code for America

Code for America Brigade

Hack for Change, an event Anchorage will be taking part in on June 1,2 as a Brigade Meetup.

Crowdsourcing Links:

Video Game Players help with AIDs cure. Tetris for Proteins.

Innocentive, a site for businesses to offer prizes for solutions to problems.

Topcoder, a site that also has contests for coders and designers.

List of Crowdsourcing projects

A way to translate spoken word into text in less than 3 seconds, Legion: Scribe. This group does amazing stuff, like crowdsourced Siri.

Maker links:

Alaska Makers Facebook page.

A Maker Faire is planned for July at the Loussac Library.

Anchorage Makerspace Meetup

Startup Weekend links:

Startup Weekend Alaska

Startup Weekend Alaska Facebook page


Prezi from Anchorage Economic Development Council









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